A Salute to 108 Henry Street.

Location: NOVA, HELL

I mostly walk around in 80's Hair Band tee-shirts with sleeves cut off. I found this goes well with my mustache and black Jordache jeans. I also drive a late-model mini van.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Excuse Me While I Puke

I was going to let this issue drop with just a simple reply to a previous post by Big Blogger, but the more I thought about it last night and at work today, the angrier I became. Here's the gist of it: Last Friday el Pato deleted part of a post by another contributor to this esteemed blog, vaguely calling it "dirty pool", claiming it was below the belt and saying he did not want certain people to see, even though it did not one person besides him by name. First of all, everything on this blog is below the belt, and there are countless people that I do not want to see it. Second of all, el Pato you are an extreme coward who should never be allowed to enjoy delicious Raptor Bacon again.

Then I get on here the other night to check challenge results from the weekend, only to see a post featuring a picture of el Pato with a group of women of whom the nicest thing one can say is that they represent a large portion of the world's ethnicities. I don't think pussies who are afraid of what one chick might think should go around portraying themselves as some type of international pimp.
Anyway, in conclusion, el Pato is a pussy who should do the honorable thing and commit the sacred act of sepuku.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

leave it to veidner to make himself out to be a martyr to the asshole race. what you are asking for is to post something tantamount to emailing this blog to our parents. it's just not gonna happen. you wouldn't want certian things posted on here and neither does vidosh, so shut the hell out about it and quit crying like a baby-baby.

8:30 AM  
Blogger rockyourface said...

Since you agreed to your punishment of no delicious Raptor Bacon, I consider this issue dead.

Also, I just mainly wanted an excuse to put a picture of Michael Powell.

8:51 AM  

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