A Salute to 108 Henry Street.

Location: NOVA, HELL

I mostly walk around in 80's Hair Band tee-shirts with sleeves cut off. I found this goes well with my mustache and black Jordache jeans. I also drive a late-model mini van.

Thursday, May 26, 2005


Since we have covered the basics - drinking/cigarettes and fatties - in the first two weeks of this contest I must now get creative and in doing so have called upon another love of mine: mustaches and mullets.

The task is simple, over the next week have your picture taken with as many people who have a mustache or a mullet. Obviously double points will be awarded if your subject has both, and trust me, people who find mustaches socially exceptable generally find mullets to be so as well and vice versa. The picture must be of the participant and the subject, not just the person with the mustache and/or mullet. In other words we need proof you did not get it off the internet or some magazine of Long Island living. Plus this forces you to converse with the person not snap some voyeristic picture.

I figure this competition is fair for all, I live in an area populated by rednecks who will no doubt be out celebrating a three day patriotic weekend with sunbathing and mass quantities of Coors Light and 10-ounce Budweiser. The 'Dosh lives in the land of the FLID, enough said in regards to mullets and facial hair, and el Pato lives in a region where not having a mustaches gets you beheaded b/c you're an infidel and the person with a mustache wants his 72 virgins God Damn it.

Points Breakdown:
Picture with a dude with a mustache: 100 pts.
Picture with a dude with a mullet: 100 pts.
Picture with a dude with a mustache & mullet: 200 pts.
Picture with a chick with either or both of these: Double points

Picture with dude a or chick with non-mustache facial hair: -50 pts.
Picture with a dude or chick with an incorrectly identified mullet: -50 pts.
'Dosh trying to use a pic of him and LIPV: -200 pts.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

sounds like a hoot. now the only trick will be making sure that at no point during the next does my will to live dip below my desire to chug a gallon of drano.

9:18 PM  

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