A Salute to 108 Henry Street.

Location: NOVA, HELL

I mostly walk around in 80's Hair Band tee-shirts with sleeves cut off. I found this goes well with my mustache and black Jordache jeans. I also drive a late-model mini van.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Brothers in Arms, A Short Story

DISCLAIMER: The Following is a work of fiction, any likeness to actual persons is purely coincidental and an accident.

Jonas and Beau were brothers, born two years apart is the mid-1980's, they were the sons of good stock, and as close as most brothers can expect to be. Jonas, the older of the two, entered a typical small town Alabama in the fall of 1998. A good athlete he made many friends quickly on the JV football team, and in school in general. Around the winter of his freshmen year, Jonas fell hard for an attractive young girl in his class. Evelyn was a cheerleader, and cosequently, she ran in the same crowd as Jonas - the football, cheerleading, kings of the school crowd, that still prevails in simple places like Alabama.

Unfortunately for Jonas, Evelyn was dating Max,a wide receiver on the football team. Though not as smart or funny as Jonas, Max seemed to have some type of hold on Evelyn. The fact that they ran with the same crowd was particularly hard on Jonas, as he often had to hang out at parties with the two of them. And when Jonas would go to see Evelyn in her cheeleading competitions, always as "friends" of course, he would more often than not sit and converse with Max, and the other members of the football team who were fortunate enough to have girlfriends. Outwardly Jonas was nice and friendly towards Max, who being the usual simple Alabaman, was too slow to see that underneath Jonas burned with raw hatred for him.

Beau, still a seventh grader when his brother entered high school, was also a popular, smart athletic youth. Very quick on the uptake, Beau was able to see how deeply it hurt his brother to not have his affections for Evelyn returned. Anytime he would bring it up to Jonas, either in private or in the context of a group conversation, Jonas would bristle and tell Beau to shut the fuck up. Eventually Beau gave up trying to help his brother see the light, and instead make fun of what a pathetic, fake son of a bitch his brother was around Evelyn. This too resulted in frequent "Shut the fuck ups" and the occasional physical confrontation.

In the fall of 2000, Beau entered Paul "Bear" Bryant Memorial High School, where Jonas was now a junior, and still deeply in love with Evelyn. Even though he would infrequently hook up with random chicks, of varying physical appearance, the worst kept secret in the school was Jonas' unrequited love for Evelyn. Making the varsity football team as a freshmen, Beau was immediately thrown in with the "kings of the school" crowd. As the lone freshmen on the football team, Beau was forced to drink copius amounts of booze at post-game parties, and as a result often hooked up with the fat upperclassmen chicks who were desperate to be filled by a varsity football players, but whom none of the upperclassmen would touch with a 10 foot pole. Though ashamed of some of his so-called "conquests", Beau generally laughed it off when his classmates would rib him about it, and would then smarlty point out that he was getting felated while his fellow freshmen were getting nothing but rashes on their cocks from all the dry riding they did. Still, high school life was good for both of the brothers.

During the summer of 2001, the boys father, Patrick, was transferred to Michigan as a result of a General Motors plant closings. As a manager Patrick was still needed by the company, but could not stay in Alabama and keep his job, so the family moved to Michigan. The move was especially hard on Jonas. One of the smarter kids at his school in Alabama, he was now looked upon as a dullard. While most of his classmates were taking AP classes, he was placed in junior level classes. Worse still, even though he was a stater on the football team, people laughed at him when he wore his letterman's jacket. When he tried to make a joke, mostly by quoting some 5 or 6 year old movie, people would laugh at him, not with him.

The biggest problem of all, of course, was that he was far, far away from his beloved Evelyn. He would often email her and then not here back from her for days, and then when she would write back, he would become excited and giddy like a school girl. Beau was disgusted by this behavior, especially when waiting to use the family computer to jerk off, but by this time he knew better than to say anything.

Unlike his brother, Beau faired well in Michigan, he was smart and clever in any state, and excelled in school and at making friends. Soon after starting school, Beau fell hard for one of his female classmates, Caroline. Caroline was very hot, and unlike most girls, Beau found it very easy to talk to. Although they occasionally hung out, Beau soon discovered that Caroline had a boyfriend named Ray at another school. Though he talked to Caroline every day and frequently hung out with Ray and Caroline, he, like his brother before him, burned with a deep rage for Ray.

For all his success in Michigan, Beau fell once again fell victim to his biggest vice and temptation, fat chicks, or more accurately, the combination of fat chicks and alcohol. The situation was similar to the one in Alabama, Beau would get drunk as shit at parties and then hook up with the fat chicks left waddling around the party at the end of the night. Unlike in Alabama, however, Beau wished for these moments of weakness to be kept quiet, especially around Caroline, for fear she might not look kindly upon him or his activities.

Then, one Monday morning in February, after a particularly drunken weekend, during which he had slipped and hooked up with a fat chick whom he had also hooked up with the first weekend of the school year, Beau walked into school, oblivious to the truck that was about to hit him. Walking with Jonas down the main hallway to his locker, Caroline came up to him and asked him how his weekend was. Preferring not to divulge what really had happened, Beau casually answered, "you know got real fucked up, passed out on the floor, woke up Saturday morning wanting to kill myself, nothing big."

"Cool," she replied, "anything else cool happpen?"

"Not really, just gave my dog a bath on Sunday afternoon"

"Yeah, and you stuffed Veronica," Jonas blurted out.

Shocked at his brother's insensitivity and stupidity, Beau first reaction was to punch Jonas right in his big head. He held back, however, knowing that it would like he had feelings for Caroline if he did. Quickly regaining his compusure, Beau calmly responded.

"No, shit head, that was over labor day weekend, one time moment of weakness."

"Liar," Jonas continued right on digging the hole, "I was looking for a bed Friday and walked in on you while you were mid-thrust."

Knowing that Jonas was too much of a retard to figure out what he was doing, Beau cut his losses.

"Yeah, well bad things happen to good people, and its not like I even knew my name at that point." He then walked to his first class.

Seething all day, Beau rode home with Jonas after lifting for football.

"Why did you do that?" Beau asked incrediously,

"Do what?

"Tell Caroline about me and Veronica"

"That, it's not like that was big deal"

"It is a big fucking deal, I asked you not to tell her one thing, one thing only, I don't care if she knows about the dipping, the sereal masturbating, whatever, just not that ONE THING."

"Whatever man," Jonas responded, his mind diverted my a sweet IROC passing them.

"Fuck off dude, it was bad enough that you told her, but then you fuck it up more when I tried to cover my ass. All that time I kept my mouth shut about Evelyn, especially up here, where you were trying to find new chicks to bone, and then you go and do this. You're a fucking prick. By the way, have fun going to Alabama to hang with Evelyn this weekend, faggot."

Jonas did go to Alabama the following weekend. She had since broken up with Max, so he figured he had a chance. He hung out at that Winter Dance with Evelyn and watched her dance with a bunch of other dudes. That night he cried himself to sleep.



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