A Salute to 108 Henry Street.

Location: NOVA, HELL

I mostly walk around in 80's Hair Band tee-shirts with sleeves cut off. I found this goes well with my mustache and black Jordache jeans. I also drive a late-model mini van.

Thursday, June 02, 2005


This week, we are all going to post entries with 4 short stories on them. One of them will be true, the other 3 will be false. Each person tries to guess other person's false stories, and whoever guesses the most true stories wins. In the likely event of a tie, whoever writes the most entertaining fake stories will be crowned champion. Now given that we've all at least heard each other's good college stories (and more probably were actually part of them), all four of the stories will be limited to events that took place (or that we will claim to have taken place) in high school.

A few things to remeber:
1) make sure you never told the other two of us the true story before (that means no prom stories vitoe).
2) make your fake stories virtually identical to a true story but change one key detail to enhance believability.
3) keep the stories breif. AVC's should never be boring.
4) feel free to encourage others to play at home.

So as soon as waggle announces the winner of AVC3 we can get started.


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