A Salute to 108 Henry Street.

Location: NOVA, HELL

I mostly walk around in 80's Hair Band tee-shirts with sleeves cut off. I found this goes well with my mustache and black Jordache jeans. I also drive a late-model mini van.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

I love my perfectly average, medium sized, white car

If there is one thing I like to talk about, it's my perfectly average, medium sized, white car. It's a very nice car, regular in size and shape. It's not too threatening and pleasant enough to look at. It's definitley one of my most favorite things in the world.

I named my perfectly average, medium sized, white car Rodimus Prime.

I will often try to impress the ladies with my perfectly average, medium sized, white car. For example, if I see some attractive women walking down the street, I might say to them, "Hey ladies, check out my perfectly average, medium sized, white car!" I might also ask them if they think they can handle my perfectly average, medium sized, white car.

One time a really hot babe rubbed up against my perfectly average, medium sized, white car but I think it was by mistake.

I take good care of my perfectly average, medium sized, white car. I polish Rodimus Prime whenever I get the chance and I keep all the nooks and cranies of my perfectly average, medium sized, white car clean at all time.

Strangely, most people aren't as impressed with my perfectly average, medium sized, white car as I am.

The worst day of my life was when I broke my perfectly average, medium sized, white car. I was able to get a professional to fix it, and my perfectly average, medium sized, white car works just fine now, but for a while there I was really worried.

Just last a week, a girl masterbated my perfectly average, medium sized, white car while I - wait a minute... have I been saying perfectly average, medium sized, white car this whole time? What I've been meaning to say my perfectly average, medium sized, white cock. Sorry for the confusion.

Yup, I really think I have the best perfectly average, medium sized, white cock that there is and I wouldn't trade Rodimus Prime for any other rooster in the world.


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